Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the Editor:

The success of our organization depends on many, many things. But the most important element in any non-profit organization is having loyal contributors who continually support and promote our programs. This allegiance to us and our programs has made it possible for our organization to grow and prosper over the years. It is difficult to estimate the positive impact being made on the organization.

We would therefore like to take this opportunity to express our most heartfelt thanks to the sponsors and individuals who helped to make the first "Alumni Shootout" a great success. In particular, there is Gary Rust and the Southeast Missourian, without whom the game would not have been possible. We would like to thank coach Ron Shumate and Southeast Missouri State University for the use of balls, uniforms and player information. Cape Central and the staff there graciously allowed us the use of their facilities to hold the event. David Hahs did his usual fine job announcing the game. And, last but certainly not least, the fans who not only saw good basketball but contributed to a truly worthy cause.

Edward Slaughter

President, Cape Civic Center