Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Count me as one of those Americans turning off the mainstream media and turning on C-SPAN and other honest information outlets.

Thanks to groups like the Media Research Center and its chairman, Brent Bozell, more and more Americans are learning about the hypocrisy of the so-called mainstream media.

There is nothing mainstream about the national media. The press is dominated by liberals pushing a liberal agenda and calling it objective reporting.

The Clinton White House is run with the ruthless dishonesty and efficiency of an organized crime network.

Yet, rather than expose the Clinton-Gore smear machine and its tactics, the nation's liberal media help it operate.

I think that's tragic.

But not nearly so tragic as what will happen if the American people do not wake up to the leftist agenda of the media in 1999.


Cape Girardeau