Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am responding to Michael Tomlin's Oct. 11 letter regarding Jackson pride, pride in the football team, pride in the school system.

Mr. Tomlin state that newcomers who have just moved to the area really don't care about the children. If that is true, the newcomers must be following an example set by the Jackson School Board and Coach Gross. Last year the board and the coach did not seem to care about the children because, for several months, they chose to ignore an incident that was absolutely horrifying. I suppose their pride got in the way.

My children are enrolled in the Jackson school system. I am aware of the overcrowding and the many other problems. It is very unfortunate. With the problems I have regarding the board, I would gladly address it at the ballot box. But, during the last election, the entire board was not up for re-election. However, I will continue to vote against any board member who was on the board during the 1999 school year in any future election. In my opinion, the only people wanting control is the board, and they already have too much of it.

I will not support this type of Jackson pride.


Cape Girardeau, Mo.