Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Although I have not always agreed in the past with decisions made by the Cape Girardeau Board of Education, I applaud the decision it made, noted in the Jan. 12 paper, to hire Wm. B. Ittner Inc. as the architect and manager of the high school project. In large part, I base my support on the tour I had the opportunity to participate in Jan. 8 to Troy, Ill.

There is no denying we were being given a sales job by Ittner representatives. However, even the best sales job could not have sold me on the company's abilities if there were not something tangible to support its claims.

The care and attention to the design was well thought out and obvious. The company used every square inch in the design with utmost efficiency, and there was no evidence of wasted space. The safety for students and faculty was apparently a top priority in the design. I couldn't believe what Ittner accomplished with a restricted budget. I truly believe the Troy School District received an efficient building that encases new technology with thought given to future growth.

The representatives from Ittner were upfront and honest. Their enthusiasm and pride in the finished product were well-deserved. After touring Triad High School in Troy, I clearly understand the company's success and long history of designing educational facilities.

Although I'm merely one parent of the Cape Girardeau School District, I will support this project and encourage everyone to vote in favor of continuing the no-tax-increase bond issue. I feel the investment in this new building will be well worth the cost, and I want to publicly thank the Cape Girardeau Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Dan Steska for making a sound decision.


Cape Girardeau