Letter to the Editor

GOP is stingy in Missouri, big spender in U.S.

To the editor:

So many people seem shocked at the fact that half of the registered voters in this country do not even bother to go vote and the other half of the population is not even registered to vote and don't want to because they think their vote doesn't count. This is called being disenfranchised. Perhaps this has been a goal of our current political system to deprive all of us working class people of our right to be heard.

Everyone is geared up for another partisan battle in Jefferson City. The battle lines have been drawn. Republicans say they won't budge on spending for education. What happened to no child left behind? That's just too expensive I guess. Why are all the Republicans in Missouri complaining about our budget problems and the need to be fiscally responsible, yet they give their full support to a president who has left us with unfunded federal mandates and huge national debts when we were running a surplus a few years ago? This administration spends money as far as the eye can see. I have been trying to figure out why Democrats were called tax-and-spenders. I would rather see those who can afford it pay higher taxes. Instead we are going back to big government, big spending and big deficits.


Cape Girardeau