Letter to the Editor

Voters are election losers

Some years ago, when someone asked Trump what should the U.S. do if a foreign war is unwinnable, he said that U.S. should simply declare victory and withdraw. Around 1:15 a.m. on Nov. 4, a panic-stricken president declared victory and said, "All voting must stop." He did not know that all voting had stopped on Nov. 3; votes were still being counted, and he could still win. Then he said he would take the matter to the Supreme Court.

Whether Trump wins or Biden, the real losers are the American people. Let me explain.

If Trump loses and SCOTUS does not grant him victory, a vindictive ("unfair! disloyal!") Trump would launch "scorched earth" tactics to avenge rejection and humiliation. He would let loose heavily armed, hateful Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois and Neo-Nazi thugs on peacefully celebrating "radical Antifa terrorists." Lives of "traitors" (Biden, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer) and "bad people" (the media) would also be in grave danger. Terror would grip the nation.

If Trump wins, the wannabe dictator would immediately become a de facto dictator. His newly appointed sycophants would "lock-up" Obama, Biden, Clinton, etc. Federal agents would beat up, gas and shoot protesting "radical, left-wing Antifa." In no time, America will be a Banana Republic.

This lawless "Law and Order" POTUS is infinitely more dangerous than any previous cult leader in America; for, his cultist armed thugs are willing to kill for him. Truly, we are yet to see the worst. Don't exhale yet.

K.P.S. KAMATH, Cape Girardeau