Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I would like to offer a salute to the America that still loves freedom. Poverty is still the norm in the world, and wealth is the exception. With freedom, we create wealth, and with oppression, we create poverty. For those who have in the past and who still provide for freedom, I salute you. For those who believe that less government means more freedom and wealth, history has proven you right.

To Americans who believe that government creates wealth, history has proven you wrong. To Americans who believe in a third way, there is no such thing. There is only freedom. The other choice is oppression.

If you believe government regulation is the key to a higher standard of living than we have enjoyed thus far, you are being proven wrong. Nations heading toward a popular socialism are unable to compete with nations that have open and free markets. Let's stop our country's government expansion. As a benefit to all Americans, let's put the government back in its neat little package adhering to the Constitution. Let's enjoy our freedom.


Marble Hill