Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

As a college student, I would like to express my opinion on Hancock II and the U.S. Senate race.

If Alan Wheat opposes Hancock II and has the conviction to stand up and voice that opposition, he has my vote for the U.S. Senate. Missouri needs a senator like Alan Wheat who will recognize the issues of concern to Missourians and respond.

I was pleased and encouraged when I read, in your Oct. 21 article "Wheat: Hancock II bad for law enforcement" that Alan Wheat understands the threat that Hancock II poses to Missouri. Mr. Wheat's opposition to Hancock II proves to me that he shares voters' interests and priorities. He understands the needs of our communities and is prepared to take the lead in addressing those needs. Once again, Alan Wheat has shown voters that he is the best person for the job of U.S. senator. Mr. Wheat's strong stand on Hancock II is one more way in which he has earned our votes.

Your article should also serve as a word of warning to those voters who had planned to vote for John Ashcroft. They should thin twice before supporting a man who alternately support Hancock II or waffles on the issues. Either way, John Ashcroft doesn't have Missouri's best interests at heart. Whether he is a proponent on Amendment 7 and the dangerous cuts in education, law enforcement, highway construction and the social services it would impose, or a pandering politician who will not take a lead on critical issues, John Ashcroft is not the kind of man we want in the U.S. Senate.

Although Hancock II is a state issue, not a federal issue, it offers voters a means of testing the strength, convictions and priorities of all Missouri candidates. John Ashcroft has failed the test. Alan Wheat has passed with flying colors. Nov. 8 voters face a test. Can we send the best candidate to the U.S. Senate? Let's pass that test. Let's elect Alan Wheat.

