Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The mass-murder bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City is many bad things to good people. If mere words can help our pain and heal our anger at this historic crime against our nation, three come to mind:

Justice. If it is as swift, certain and severe for those responsible as the president has promised, our most sacred word of trust in government is honored.

Moderation. This evil deed by a few must not cause more evil by many. Tyranny by rash executive or judicial reactions and poor legislation against this rape of our public safety are bad social medicines. If allowed, these doctors will mistreat this incidental symptom of disease, and we would stupidly rob ourselves of more essential liberties. This sad result would surely provoke more terrorism, then more repressive reactions and so on into anarchy.

Hope. It helps and heals. With hope we can try to find and right real wrongs which may have caused this tragedy. If bad, basic government is a problem, amending our Constitution is a just, most moderate solution.

Those who peacefully work for better government within the complex politics of our deeply troubled union must increase their good efforts. With more effort, human justice will prevail for Oklahoma. Moderation will protect our liberties, and America's hope will prove eternal to the world.


Jonesboro, Ill.