Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Cape Girardeau County Democrats wish to thank everyone who attended the visit of President and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore. The event was a tremendous success.

I with to thank Nelda Hinton and Cris Edwards, who both volunteered and coordinated the volunteer services at the Clinton-Gore center and the Democratic headquarters. These two, in addition to many, many others, unselfishly gave their time and energy to assure Aug. 30, 1996, would be a day in Cape Girardeau remembered by all.

Likewise, I wish to thank local businesses for their donations of food, drinks and equipment, and organized labor groups for their generous outpouring of support for this local event.

Again, thank you to all.

LA CRETIA DRUM, Chairperson

Cape Girardeau County Democratic Central Committee

Cape Girardeau