Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Every time someone tells me that an elected official knows what is best for me, it sends shivers down my spine. I know what I think is best for me. I work full-time and attend college. I do not accept federal aid, including student loans, because it benefits my conscience. I refuse to watch television, and I read The Wall Street Journal to improve my intellect. I smoke cigarettes daily because they relax me. I drink a beer or a glass of wine every so often because it improves my mentality. And I wake up at 6:30 a.m. and walk a couple of miles to exercise. Now, would you like me to prescribe what is good for you? Let's start with two miles a day, no television and a glass of wine. We'll work up to refusing any federal aid and smoking cigarettes (cigars can be substituted).

I like to think for myself. Next we'll be telling parents who they should raise their children -- or is that included in Goals 2000?


Cape Girardeau