Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently in Speak Out I read criticism of doctors who charge too much for their services. I agree that medical charges are enormous and often beyond our means. Think for a moment, though, what we would do should a serious illness strike. To whom could we turn? Our only alternative is a doctor.

I am one who always feared a doctor and resented seeing one when an illness occurred. Just recently as I was walking along briskly my hip suddenly broke. I sat helpless in a chair 11 days and 11 nights without seeking help. My legs were swelling, and I was feeling faint. Only after I was urged to seek help did I do so. X-rays showed I had a fractured hip and required surgery. Today I am well and completely healed, thanks to the surgeons and doctors. Yes, it was expensive, but I did not want to die.

Mary Tyler Moore, a well-known entertainer and favorite of many, today suffers from server diabetes. Her expert medical care helps her to function normally and enjoy life.

Gov. Jim Edgar of Illinois recently experienced heart pain. His relief cam after seeking help from a doctor and spending a short time in the hospital.

I could not be a doctor nor even assist one. However, I do respect each and every one. Don't you think we all should?

In spite of what one may think, a doctor's interest lies in the love for his profession and in his desire to help mankind. It truly does.


Cape Girardeau