Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

We at the Cape Girardeau Senior Center thank you for the publicity you have been able to give us in the past few weeks regarding our capital campaign fund drive.

As we continue to educate the seniors in our area and our community, there sometimes needs to be some clarification of the operation of the nutrition program and the foundation.

The Cape Girardeau Senior Center operates a large program providing nutrition, socialization and education for seniors. This program is very much a part of the Southeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging. The Area Agency on Aging provides the contract and much-needed funding to support the nutrition program. Currently, the nutrition program pays monthly rent to the foundation to fulfill the contract from the Area Agency on Aging.

The Cape Girardeau Senior Center Foundation was formed for the purpose of acquiring and providing a building for senior activities and holds the mortgage to the building and the land. This foundation does not receive funding from the Senior Citizens Services Fund Board, the Area Wide United Way or the Southeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging. It operates from donations, rental income, memorial gifts and fund-raising efforts.

We hope the community will continue to support the Senior Center as it has done so well in the past.


Cape Girardeau Senior Center Board of Directors

Cape Girardeau