Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Thank you for printing my letter concerning the serenity prayer. I must confess that I was actually using the newspaper hoping someone would read the letter. It turns out I am the one who learned from sending the letter.

I had no idea there was more to the serenity prayer other than the first verse. The second verse mentions living one day at a time and accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. The third verse mentions if you trust in God, he will make things right for you. Not only will you be happy in this life, but the one hereafter.

By learning the balance of the prayer, it is giving me the inner peace I need. God gave me the courage to write you the first time. This time I am writing to say thank you for printing not only my letter, but the editor's note as well. I also did not know the author of the serenity prayer was from Missouri. We should be proud of this fact.

May God bless the Southeast Missourian and all who are involved in getting the paper to us readers.


Jackson, Mo.