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Another plus on the business scene has been boarding improvements at the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport.

The numbers were up all year at the airport, but they were especially strong in October and November.

More than 1,000 boardings were reported both months. Increased flights from Trans World Express are credited along with a boost from Procter and Gamble's private planes. The fact that P&G announced a major expansion here no doubt helped to spur corporate traffic.

The numbers could be the highest since 1990 -- the last year that airport boardings topped the 10,000 mark for the year. The final figures for December are not yet tabulated.

TWE boardings have continued to increase. The local business community has continued to push for more flights and better connections to improve those numbers even more. The commuter airline now offers 19 flights a week to the St. Louis airport.

Many people still prefer to drive the two hours to St. Louis or take advantage of such convenient shuttle services as BART. But the local airport has made great strides this year in bringing the numbers back up to a respectable level.

Airport manager Bruce Loy should feel good about the progress, and he can look to 1998 with high hopes.