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When Cape Girardeau natives go off to make a mark in the world, they leave behind a considerable rooting section: relatives, friends, neighbors, school chums, teachers, whole church congregations and countless others. For some of us, the pleasure comes in cheering for someone you don't even know -- just because they are from the City of Roses.

Two young men whose pluck and enterprise have landed them in the spotlight were featured recently on the front page of the Southeast Missourian. Jack Oliver, a product of the distinguished Oliver family that is entwined in local history, has taken an important role in the presidential campaign of Gov. George W. Bush of Texas. Russ Felker III, whose father is a prominent doctor and whose mother is involved in a long list of community organizations, is testing his business acumen with customers who get to make their own stuffed animals.

Best wishes to both young men. Your continued success makes us all look good.