Letter to the Editor

Nickell served as great example

Editor's note: The following letter has been edited to correct the spelling of Frank Nickell's last name.

Dr. Frank Nickell, former director of the Center for Regional History and dedicated professor of history at Southeast Missouri State University for nearly 44 years, recently retired. He has received many student accolades for his tireless efforts and exceptional teaching excellence. His stellar community service has also been well documented.

Dr. Nickel is a walking encyclopedia, profoundly knowledgeable of every nuance of historical fact of the state of Missouri. However, I would be remiss if I didn't cite his outstanding unprecedented service at Southeast through my lens as a faculty member and colleague.

I witnessed firsthand his tireless energy, positive influence upon his students, optimism, strong scholarship and teaching excellence. Several examples stand out: Night after night in his office, Dr. Nickel would work tirelessly writing letters of recommendation for countless appreciative students. I observed how students were always welcome in his office, despite Dr. Nickel being so busy with so many other pressing academic and service obligations and deadlines, and yet he would be so gracious in giving of his time and expertise -- in addition to ample doughnuts and coffee.

He has also mentored countless junior faculty over the years. I recount how from Day One of my arrival from New York he mentored and guided me with so many insights of what it means to be a "Missourian" and to understand the diverse backgrounds of students from this region. He has influenced countless colleagues by setting an example representative of the best Southeast has to offer. We all love you, Frank.

MITCH GERBER, Cape Girardeau