Letter to the Editor

Liberals supported family values

To the editor:

I'm confused. I read that a high percentage of people think Republicans are for family values. But I thought it was liberal labor unions that gave us the eight-hour workday, the 40-hour week and overtime pay. And wasn't it the liberals who gave workers a minimum wage and unemployment insurance? And wasn't it liberals who instituted programs like Social Security that have kept millions of people from being homeless? And wasn't it the liberals who pushed for the Federal Housing Administration, a government program that created the middle class and put millions of families into homes while creating the strongest economy in the world?

Isn't it liberals who want everyone to have affordable health care? Aren't the liberals the ones who are fighting for a higher minimum wage so everyone can feed and house their families without working 60 hours a week? Isn't it liberals who are trying to preserve corporate regulations so families are protected from bad food and drugs and the exploitive ways of big business? And certainly it's the liberals who are working to preserve the environment so future families can exist.

In reality, isn't it the Republicans who continuously work to dismantle family legislation in order to favor big business and the rich? I'm not catching on as to how Republicans are for families. Or maybe the people mean "rich family values." Someone's done a good job of promoting a bogus rewriting of history and reality.