
School days

Most area school districts are gearing up this month for the start of a new school year.

Teaching and staff positions have been filled.

Buildings have been spruced up.

Teachers are decorating their rooms with attractive learning aids.

Cafeterias are stocking up on supplies.

Bus routes are being tweaked.

With the start of school comes additional traffic. Southeast Missouri State University has its share of commuting students, and most high school students of driving age have cars these days. The extra volume on our streets and highways is a good reason to drive cautiously. On mornings when school is in session, experienced drivers can show, by example, newer drivers how to come to a complete stop at stop signs, use turn signals and observe the speed limits.

And be mindful of students who are walking to bus stops or to nearby schools. It's better to be careful in the mornings and afternoons that to risk serious injury. Parents, remind your children to be cautious pedestrians as well, crossing streets at crosswalks and watching out for traffic.

Taking a bit of extra care when schools are in session is a way to make the days easier and brighter for everyone. Let's have a safe and sensible school year.
