Letter to the Editor

GOP environmental issues

To the editor:

Republican president Theodore Roosevelt stated, "Conservation is a great moral issue. It involves the patriotic duty of ensuring the safety and continuance of the nation," and "I do not intend that our national resources shall be exploited by the few against the interest of the many."

In the fall of 2000, Jim Scarantino, executive director of REP America, wrote about the GOP's environmental platform. He said he thought "they were proposing to dispose of all federal lands." If this is a fact, perhaps lobbyists for ATVs and snowmobiles were seeking federal lands for these vehicles in hopes of more sales. I would consider such an action a special interest.

Theodore Roosevelt IV, a lifetime member of Republicans for Environmental Protection, stated, "REP America represents the very best of the Republican Party. I encourage all conservation-minded Republicans to join me in supporting the work of REP America."

An article, " Bush's Sorry Environmental Record," was published in the Concord, N.H., Monitor. Rick Russman, a Republican and REP America member from New Hampshire, and Russell E. Train, and REP America member from Washington, D.C., stated, "The Union of Concerned Scientists is alarmed by the Bush administration's widespread rejection of sound science."

It is time for loyal Republicans to disavow this trend. If you keep Bush and Cheney, our environment is in trouble. Replace them and reclaim your party.