Letter to the Editor

Christmas is time to renew faith in moral law

To the editor:

Christians have allowed Satan to come to power in a Christian-founded America.

He has even infiltrated Christian churches, with many denominations claiming biblical moral law â the standard for 2,000 years -- to be wrong and even immoral.

With the lowering of God's law in our nation, we have come to live in a morally bankrupt, humanistic, me-first, whatever-I-want mentality.

Our government is exterminating the unwanted criminalized remnants of God:

Public prayer, public display of the Ten Commandments, "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, public symbols of Christianity, government acknowledgment of God and Christian influences in American history.

There is one law in the Bible that I have come to believe in more and more each day:

"God is not mocked. Whatsoever you sow that shall you also reap."

My hope is that as a Christian nation we will use this Christmas season to renew our faith in Jesus Christ and begin again a life lived sowing God's moral law.


Cape Girardeau