Letter to the Editor

Lipke acted appropriately

To the editor:I am impressed with the dignity in which state Rep. Scott Lipke has handled the recent public attack on his integrity and character. Although he is obviously hurt and disappointed by House Speaker Rod Jetton's false accusations, Lipke has taken the high road. Lipke responded only after he was accused of being deceitful. Even then, Lipke responded with the facts, not attacks.

The facts speak for themselves. Lipke has done nothing wrong. If Lipke were trying to be deceitful, would the original bill (House Bill 1698) have included the removal of the unconstitutional language that is in question? Would Lipke have e-mailed prosecutors and judges asking them to review the bill and offer feedback? Would Lipke have prepared a four-plus-page summary of the bill which indicated the removal of the unconstitutional language in bold print?

Although I consider myself to be conservative, I respect Lipke for recognizing the importance of upholding the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in regard to this matter. I find it disappointing that anyone, especially elected legislators, would even debate this issue. It appears to me that quite a few individuals could use a lesson on U.S. and state government.

Lipke wants to put all this behind him and put more of his time and energy into working for the people of Missouri. I pray that he is allowed to do so. We are extremely blessed to have a man of such impeccable character working for us in Jefferson City.