Letter to the Editor

War protesters have been correct

To the editor:

The rabid ranting by warmongers is pathetic. It is reminiscent of the campaign waged by Republicans generally and by Karl Rove -- the man known around Washington as Bush's brain -- particularly. When you have nothing worthwhile, you attack opponents with mindless slurs. Upon retirement from 27 years in the CIA serving seven presidents, Ray McGovern received the Intelligence Commendation Medallion and a letter of gratitude from then-president George H.W. Bush -- more than the warmongers will ever achieve. McGovern now works with the Ecumenical Church of the Savior in Washington, D.C. He did not request any payment for his visit to Cape Girardeau and is not getting rich on the lecture circuit.

Identifying war protesters as socialists and communists indicates that they are stuck in the last century. The Cold War is over. You need to join the rest of us in the 21st century, where capitalists, communists, conservatives, liberals, progressives and socialists have common goals in reducing terrorism and promoting peace and sustainable living.

Reality check: The war protesters have been proven correct on every point they made before the Iraq invasion. Bush, Cheney and the Project for the New American Century, which is using us as pawns in its crusade, have been proven wrong. Since the invasion, there have been more deaths in Iraq than Saddam Hussein caused. War protesters support our troops better than you do. We want to keep them alive. You want to sacrifice more.