Letter to the Editor

McCaskill's views unfairly presented

To the editor:

Gary Rust's Aug. 17 column, "Differing Views," was grossly misleading and biased. Even as an opinion piece it does a disservice to your readers by failing to give a balanced report.

It purports to present the views of the two candidates for U.S. Senate on several issues, but never even once did Rust clearly and factually lay out State Auditor Claire McCaskill's actual view. Had Rust done so, your readers might have a clearer understanding of why U.S. Sen. Jim Talent's record is so poorly viewed by caring people around Missouri and why his poll ratings are so abysmal.

I am limited here by space, but I wish to comment on at least one issue: the Medicare prescription drug plan. The plan passed by Congress -- and for which Talent voted -- has been universally denounced as a blatant giveaway to drug companies. In my own case, thanks in no small part to Talent and his Republican colleagues, my co-pay for one of my prescriptions has increased from $27 to $66, more than double.

I'd love to comment on the rest of the issues were I allowed the space. I urge that your readers be given the opportunity to read a complete and comprehensive account of McCaskill's stand on these issues.