Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Just a little more than 200 years ago, when our forefathers found the politics of Great Britain intolerable, they made history by standing up to the tyranny of King George.

The citizens of Missouri have been subject to the tyranny of Gov. Mel Carnahan and his outside interests for too long.

The people of Missouri don't want the procedure known as partial-birth abortion or infanticide performed in our state. They have made their will known to their representatives each year, and our legislators have voted to ban it each year.

Our governor vetoed the laws passed banning partial-birth abortions, declaring the laws did not have an exception for the health of the mother. Physicians have repeatedly testified that the three-day procedure would never be done to save the life of a mother. Think about it. Partial-birth abortions take three days to complete. If your life were in imminent danger, would you want your doctor to choose the most dangerous of treatment and then complete it three days later.

Our governor recently held a news conference and defiantly declared he would use even his campaign funds to finance television, radio and newspaper ads to tell the truth about this procedure. Money is pouring into his campaign fund from sources outside our state that wish to keep this brutal form of infanticide legal not only in Missouri, but throughout the country. The governor is holding out the promise of campaign funds and high-paying jobs to all of those who will vote to sustain his most recent veto.

Do you want your legislators to be bought with promises of high-paying jobs and with money from groups from out of state with their own agendas? Or do you want your representatives to vote your wishes.

If you want your representatives in Jefferson City to vote to ban legal infanticide by overriding the governor's veto of the Infant Protection Act on Sept. 15, then we ask that you help us let the governor and our representatives know how you feel.

At 3 p.m. on Sept. 12 there will be a nondenominational prayer service at Cape Girardeau's Cemetery of the Innocent just off Siemers Drive. We ask that all the citizens of Cape Girardeau come out and participate so the governor, his henchmen and out-of-state financiers know that we consider this legislation to be very important to us. By staying home, you will miss an opportunity to join in the fellowship and prayer and to be a part of history. By staying home, we will give the governor and his followers the message that we don't care about this law, and we will then set the stage for the legislators to fail to override the veto.

What would have happened to this great country of ours if the Minutemen had all said to their wives and neighbors, "I don't feel like turning out to rebuff the king's army"?This vote on Sept. 15 is already being touted as a historic event. Won't you please come out and join your neighbors in prayer and to be a part of history.

There will be a bus going to Jefferson City on Sept. 15. The bus will leave Holiday Inn at 4:30 a.m. Wont you join us in a prayer service in front of the Capitol that morning? Would you like to see and hear the debate and vote? The cost will be a nominal $25 per person. If your are unable to go, perhaps you would like to send a family member or friend to be your personal representative. This would be an excellent opportunity for our young people in junior high or high school to see our government at work.

For further information, please call Richard Cuba at his place of employment (334-7000) or his home (334-0913).In order to combat the money pouring into Carnahan's campaign fund from out-of-state interests, we need financial help as well. Television, radio and newspaper ads are expensive. If you are able to send a small donation, it would be greatly appreciated. We can always use your prayers.


Cape Girardeau