Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Dear Editor:

Your complete staff, the staff of the Cashbook Journal, Jon Rust, Peter Kinder, the United Way volunteers, Harry Rediger, and Craig Felzien are to be commended for the tremendous success of the YELL (Youth Education Learning & Literacy) promotion. Not only will the community benefit from the donations to the United Way but the educational challenge of our youth will receive much needed financial and moral support.

From the viewpoint of a volunteer newspaper seller, it felt great to be involved and see first hand the generosity and caring that the people of Cape Girardeau have for one another, education and the youth of our community. I will definitely be involved again next year and will strongly encourage others to participate in this program to see for themselves the satisfaction a volunteer receives for working with a successful community project.

Thanks to you and all the other people involved for being a conduit to this success.

David B. Ross

Show Me Center Director