Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

The family of Traci Anne Davis would like to take the opportunity to send our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to the very special 12 people who made up the jury in the murder trial of Michael Davis. We felt that these 12 people poured their hearts and souls into the verdict of murder in the first degree.

We felt their decision was fair and impartial and was made on the evidence presented to them. We are sure that each of these people, including the three alternate jurors, will carry this experience and the knowledge of the evidence presented to them, in their hearts and memories for the rest of their lives.

Traci is gone from this Earth but her family, the people who loved and know her well, will carry her memory in their hearts until God decides we can be with her again. Traci lives within her three children, Kisha Ashley, Christopher and Tyler. One day they will know what a truly beautiful lady their mother was and just how much she loved them and based her entire life on them.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, from the bottom of our hearts we thank you. You now have in your hearts the knowledge of how Traci was so brutally taken from her children and family and now carry a sense of the sorrow and loss we feel. For that, we apologize to each and every one of you because you were faced to share this pain with us without ever having the opportunity to meet, know and love Traci.

Thank you and please know that each of you are in our prayers.

Mrs. Gustava Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Houseman, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hartlein, Kisha Ashley, Christopher and Tyler Davis