Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor,

Democracy: "government in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives; ruled by the ruled" (Webster's dictionary).

In the 1700 and 1800's selecting one person to represent the people of an area was the most practical way to run government by the people. Having a large portion of the people living in rural and sparsely populated areas, there was no other means of communicating their wishes. At that time the government probably truly cared about the wishes of the people. You had a handful of people agreeing on what was good for a larger group of people.

Government of today has gotten out of hand, mainly because the increase in population and the "I wants" of special interest groups. We don't have a chance against these groups, with their big bucks and organizations and lobbiests. You really can't blame the representatives. If someone threw enough money and luxury items my way, I might be on their side, too. The only thing we know, it's because the news media digs it up. We really don't have a vote on whether or how we want a particular issue decided. The statement made by Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller, "We're going to push through health care regardless of the views of the American people," is not my idea of government by the people.

Why can't we move into the 20th century with government that is truly run by the people? With today's technology in computers and the communication superhighway in the making, I see no reason why people could not have a bigger control of our nation's future.

We can set up a local television channel, displaying continuous any proposal being considered by our representative. After evaluating the proposal, we simply pick up the phone and vote yes or no. The representative takes the majority opinion of the people to the floor of the Congress and votes accordingly.

Government would not go for this. It takes the control out of their hands and gives it back to the people. Today's government seems to think they know, better than you, what's good for you. I prefer to have the freedom to make my own choices and pay for my own mistakes while in pursuit of life, liberty and the American way.

