Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I want to thank you and your news staff -- with special appreciation to Mark Bliss for doing such an excellent job in a short period of time -- for the Southeast Missourian's series on the Southeast Missouri State University strategic plan.

The series was everything we could have wished for in terms of accuracy and breadth of coverage. We particularly appreciate your decision to use the summary of action steps as a sidebar in the Feb. 5 edition. Your devotion of a fourth of your front page to that summary demonstrated your commitment to giving readers a complete overview of changes that will be coming in this university over the next few years. That alone was an enormous service both to the institution and the public.

We greatly appreciate your taking the time to listen to our presentation, for asking some important questions and for your willingness to cooperate so completely in telling the story.

I know the university can count on the Southeast Missourian to report on the plan as it is implemented during the coming months, and we will welcome the opportunity to work with your reporters in this effort.

Again, we thank you for telling this story so completely and accurately.

BILL L. ATCHLEY, President

Southeast Missouri State University

Cape Girardeau