Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I voted in the school election a few weeks ago. Back in the early 20s, I began my educational experience at the old Jefferson School which was located at the corner of Jefferson and Ellis streets. Names like Miss Fisher, Miss Bremerman, Miss Moore, Philipson and Bahn come to mind. Miss Alma Schrader was a pillar in that school system. One recalls the petite Miss May Greene who, although small in stature, made a significant contribution to the educational system in our town. Then there were Miss Hammond and Miss Huters. One can't begin to list them all, since their contributions were greater than my memory today. Their salaries were even lower then than now, but they were as dedicated as any teachers could be.

In high school, names like Weis, Buckner, Jenkins, Smith, Wright and Schultz come to mind. Then on to SEMO, which was not know as much by that name then, but rather as "the college."

Although not in a formally structured setting, our educational adventures continue even after graduate schools. We can be grateful for those past efforts in the local system to teach us the basics which have helped us in our journey through life and that those efforts are continuing for our children for this and future generations.

It is good to know that voters agreed that the programs should be expanded and facilities improved in this and ensuing years. The quality of our educational system will help to determine the quality of life in our community in the years to come.


Cape Girardeau