Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

A puppet government is one which is controlled by someone or a group of people who are not citizens of that country in which this sort of government exists. It is quite evident that our own country is fast becoming one of these. Despite the fact that about 80 percent of our citizens oppose foreign aide and massive, destructive immigration, as well as turning our military over to foreigners to command (many of which are our enemies), our Congress is blatantly unresponsive to our wishes. The members of Congress cannot possibly be blind to the dangers that these actions pose to our country and its citizens. So our conclusion has to be that they are taking orders from others who are not American.

The United Nations agenda is not peacekeeping as it claims, but the complete takeover of America. The desire to control every aspect of our internal affairs attests to this fact. It has been stated that the year 2000 is the goal for complete takeover. That gives us only one election to rid ourselves of all traitors in Congress and return our government to the people as it is supposed to be.


Cape Girardeau