Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

With the climbing temperatures of summer, the Humane Society of the United States reminds readers of the serious consequences of leaving animals inside parked cars. Animals, like people, suffer from the heat. The two most common hot weather hazards for pets are being left outdoors with inadequate protection from the heat or being left inside a parked car. Pets that are subjected to direct sun without plenty of water even for a short period of time can easily suffer heat stroke. In the few minutes that it might take you to run into the store for a couple of items, the temperature inside your car can reach 120 degrees or more. A pet can quickly suffer brain damage or die from heat stroke when left in a car or left outdoors unprotected. Leaving windows open a crack, parking in shaded ares or air-conditioned cars with the motor turned off will not save your pet from the life-threatening effects of hot weather.

The HSUS advises that pets be left indoors at home where they are safely confined and protected from the heat during summer months. If you see an animal in a potentially dangerous situation during hot weather, notify the police, local animal-control authority or humane society immediately.

Contact a veterinarian immediately if your pet shows any signs of heat stress such as heavy panting, glazed eyes, rapid pulse rate, dizziness, vomiting or deep red or purple tongue. Move your pet into the shade, spray it with cool water and allow it to drink a small amount of cool water if possible. Transport your pet to a veterinary hospital quickly to determine whether emergency care is needed. Taking these steps could save your pet's life.

You can teach others about the dangers of leaving pets unprotected from the heat by obtaining panel card flyers from the HSUS. These panel card flyers can be placed in store windows, on bulletin boards or in cars. Send a business-sized, self-addressed stamped envelope with your request for flyers to Hot Car, HSUS, 2100 L St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037.

WENDELL E. MADDOX JR., Regional Director

Humane Society of the United States

Kansas City