Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

This is in response to Jack Smart's letter concerning state versus faith-based rehabilitation programs for drug and alcohol addicts. I am speaking from experience. Mr. Smart is correct. I went through a state program. They tell you what to do but not how to do it. I got out and immediately relapsed.

I did go back to the state program, but luckily for me I had God instilled in me as a child. Most people do not understand addiction. After the first use of our drug of choice, there is no other choice. I knew I could not kick the habit without God's help. Every day that I wake up drug free and every night that I go to bed drug free, I thank my God.

My heart goes out to other addicts. They hurt and struggle every day. The drug-alcohol addition will only give them a life in jail or institutions or, possibly and eventually, death.

I only wish I could wake up each and every addict and their families and say is was only a nightmare. Unfortunately, it's real. I see it will fast become a problem that will not be controllable. It is well on its way.

It's scary to think what our children and grandchildren will have access to. I agree with Mr. Smart: Which can be worse? Wouldn't most people rather see themselves or loved ones in a faith-based program where there is love, joy, peace and happiness rather than in jail or dead? Think about it.


Cape Girardeau