Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

We have many volumes of laws on the books, but we are in desperate need of one more. We need a law against special prosecutors who investigate something that isn't illegal. Whether President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky had sex or not is none of prosecutor Kenneth Starr's business, because they broke no laws. This is a matter to be dealt with by the Clinton and Lewinsky families, not by Starr, not by our government and not by any grand jury. Whatever they did or did not do was consensual. We do not live in a perfect world. I'll let the moralist cast the first and last stone.

The awesome power Starr has over innocent people is frightening in America where we value our privacy. Starr's issuing of subpoenas to so many people, confidential aides to the president and even Lewinsky's mother, is a legal invasion into the privacy of their personal lives. This should be of grave concern to the American people who think their personal and private lives are protected by the Constitution.

Starr doesn't care how many innocent casualties litter his trail to the White House in one more desperate attempt to nail his prize trophy, President Clinton's hide, on the Republican barn door. Starr and his bone-picking vultures' scheme is, since we haven't been able to get Clinton on something illegal, maybe we can trap him in a situation that's not illegal but embarrassing where he might deny it and try to hide it from us. Then we might get him for perjury and obstruction of justice. I ask you, what justice?

Can the authorities abuse their legal power any more than that? This may be new ground in our justice system. If they can do it to Clinton, they can do it to us.

I suspect Starr's star will dim and go out, and it should. No one's private life should ever be placed under Starr's microscopic squad. They're out to get Clinton absolutely and way they can.

