Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

U.S. Sen. John Ashcroft has the distinction of having the second-best voting record in the Senate concerning issues that are important to the citizens and the future of our country. As anyone who has been paying attention can see, most of the representatives and senators are concerned with the international bankers and corporations while the common people are suffering every imaginable abuse that can be bestowed upon them by out-of-control federal agencies. Much of this abuse is the result of our federal judges overstepping their authority and trying to change our constitutional republic into a socialist state, either by ignoring or changing our Constitution by faulty interpretation. Most of the Constitution, especially the First Amendment and Second Amendment, is written in plain enough language that anyone can understand the meaning of it. It doesn't need to be tampered with by those who would like to change our country into a socialist state.

Ashcroft is leading the effort to limit the number of traitorous judges who slip by Congress in the confirmation process because of the indifference of many of our legislators. Many of these legislators won't put forth the effort to investigate the backgrounds of these nominees for socialist tendencies, criminal behavior or even loyalty to our country. It just doesn't seem to matter to them, but it matters to the people.

That is why we should support Ashcroft in every way possible and encourage him to do the things that should have been done years ago.

I have written a letter of praise and encouragement to him, because it is a rare thing for a senator to do something that will help me, my children and my grandchildren in the future. I appreciate it. Can anyone do less?


Cape Girardeau