Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The Jackson Public Library wishes to thank all the kind and generous people who donated reading materials to us this year. We and, in turn, our patrons are the proud beneficiaries of many delightful books for both adults and children. We appreciate all donations from the public. Thank you so much for caring. Donations are meaningful to us and make up a noteworthy part of our collection. We welcome donations of well-cared-for books, but we occasionally sell materials we cannot use in the collection. If there's anything you wouldn't want us to sell, you might consider an alternate form of donation.

In addition to the regular donations we received in 2000, the library also wishes to mention two remarkable gifts in memoriam from the private libraries of Dr. Mary Purcell and Carl Penzel. Donations of this magnitude and under these circumstances are worth special mention. If you wish to be remembered in this way or wish the same for a loved one, book donations are a fine way to both keep memories alive and to promote literacy. We place memorial bookplates in the front of such donations. Every time a patron opens the book, a special name is revealed.

Our deep thanks once again to everyone who cares about books and reading as we do. We appreciate you.


Library Assistant

Jackson Public Library

Jackson, Mo.