Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Some people move into the Jackson area because of a strong legacy of excellence in the Jackson School District. But the biggest attraction for Jackson and the surrounding area is the people. We should meet our challenges head on and deal with them to the best of our abilities. We should reflect a sense of caring and concern while continuing with a perspective of equality and fairness.

The school board has placed on the Nov. 7 ballot a $6 million bond proposal to improve and expand R.O. Hawkins Junior High School along with upgrading districtwide technology. The main decision for voters is whether or not they want to support the proposed plan.

Copies of the blueprints for the planned improvements are available at the junior high school. Or contact the Board of Education office at 243-9501. If time permits, try to attend one of the tours scheduled at the junior high school.

Americans have benefited from a strong economy but are leery about future financial stability. Our country is facing the high price of gasoline, forecasted increases in heating oil and natural gas, rising medical and prescription drug costs and decreased farm income. Reassessment will occur next year in Cape Girardeau County. These conditions present a dilemma for voters when considering any tax increases.

Registered voters in the district have the right and responsibility to let their voices be heard. I urge everyone to get as much information as possible about all ballot issues. I encourage you to try and see more than one side on each issue.


Jackson, Mo.