Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

There is a generation that is just about to reach retirement age. The baby boomers are the largest, richest and most selfish generation that this country has ever produced. They have always been a know-it-all group that thought that government could be used to make changes in our society that would fix any problems, real or imagined.

This generation has one thing in mind: to live not on the wealth they have accumulated, but off the wealth produced by later generations.

When this group reaches retirement age, it will place an enormous pressure on the younger workers to supply the benefits it thinks it so richly deserves.

The Democratic and Republican parties are doing everything they can safely do to win the support of the baby boomers. Each party is offering its own version of sweets. George W. Bush is offering them a $46 billion increase in Medicare over the next five years. The Democrats will undoubtedly up the offer. Both parties know these baby boomers vote heavily for the party that will offer them the most benefits.

Younger workers would do well to get out there and make their voices heard. If you think you're paying too many taxes or too much in taxes now, wait until the baby boomers retire. It very well could be that younger workers will yearn for the good old days when government only took half of the money earned.


Marble Hill, Mo.