Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I'm writing this letter as my way of donating to the Back the Blue fund. I am not in a position to contribute financially, but I do have a strong desire to speak out on behalf of all local law-enforcement officials.

What really matters is that we learn from the most recent incident involving the Cape Girardeau police officers and understand they are putting their lives on the line every day.

I can write this letter with pure honesty, because I am an individual who has seen both sides of the law. I have done plenty of wrong things, but I have learned from and rectified those incidents. If I can commit to respecting our officers, then there is no reason the rest of us cannot join together and do the same.

I deeply regret that it took local officers' getting shot to cause me to speak up, but I can no longer sit quietly while the town where I have spent my entire life continues to show signs of disrespect toward its officers and each other.

All of us have forgotten just who it is that enables us to sleep peacefully at night and allows us to wake up with at least the opportunity to enjoy a brand-new day.


Jackson, Mo.