

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To Bill Heitland, Sports Editor:

The excellent article in your recent column was a wonderful tribute to Marcus Timmons. Being a 110 percent booster of Scott Central for over 25 years, we followed Marcus through his entire career there.

I commented to Coach Rich Herrin at our '91 Athletic Banquet that Timmons was one of the best young men to ever come out of Scott Central, on and off the basketball court. We feel he has a tremendous future ahead of him.

We knew he would have no trouble adjusting to college ball. He was always well-mannered, very unselfish and loved by all Scott Central fans, and yes, Ron Cookson had a lot to do with forming this young man's career and positive attitude.

Very few people are aware of the care and support Coach Cookson has given scores of young men that have gone to Scott Central. I feel very fortunate to have been a member of the school board when we hired Ron and he has never been a disappointment to me.

I consider him a true and cherished friend and a tremendous asset to Scott County Central.

We too were very disappointed that Timmons and Mark Mosely did not end up on the same court, but we know Mark is a fine young athlete and will do well.

We are very pleased with Marcus choosing SIU so that we can continue to see him play, and we know he has a fine coach in Rich Herrin. The longer he works with Marcus, the more he will see his great potential and the more he will love him.

C.D. Alcorn


Scott Central Booster Club
