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Missouri Delta Medical Center in Sikeston got an early Christmas gift Friday with the announcement of a $100,000 gift from Sikeston attorney Robert A. Dempster and his wife Lynn. The gift will go toward funding the new Robert A. Dempster Restart Physical Medicine Complex. This modern physical therapy complex will be constructed next to the hospital.

The Dempster family has a long history of generous financial community support.

Robert Dempster, a former University of Missouri Curator, is a major benefactor to the University of Missouri. Lynn, a current member of the Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents, has been instrumental along with her husband in major capital funding projects at that university.

The list of their local efforts could fill this column many times over. Their history is one of returning generous support to community activities and projects. More should follow their lead.

The new Dempster complex will take the growing field of physical therapy, return-to-work programs, work hardening and a host of new ideas, into the next century. This new hospital facility will be next to none. And all made possible by one generous gift. Others hopefully will follow.

A $100,000 dinner to end 1992 is an excellent way to go. ~The community should thank ~the Dempsters for their on-going generosity.