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Cape Girardeau Central High School athletic teams often startle their opposition from more urban areas. The school is away from the media centers of Missouri and, for the most part, attracts scant attention outside this part of the state. We relish that surprise, knowing the lack of statewide attention doesn't stem from lack of local talent. And we commend the Central baseball team for capturing the Class 4A state championship last weekend.

The Tigers claimed the state crown by scoring an astonishing 33 runs in their last three ballgames, beating two St. Louis-area schools on the way to the title game with Joplin. In those games, Central pitchers gave up just four runs. Capping a 23-4 season, the Tigers claimed the first baseball championship for the school since 1962, a wonderful achievement.

Credit for the championship season goes certainly to the team members and their coach, Steve Williams, but also to the local youth league, Babe Ruth League and American Legion coaches who cultivate these athletic abilities along the way. (In fact, with Notre Dame's state championship last year, many local players of this general age have achieved the ultimate in interscholastic baseball. It represents a rather gifted run of players for the city.)

We salute the Tigers for their achievement. Saturday's victory was a fitting end to a terrific season, as well as a real boost for the school and the community.