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You can make a difference. Across the nation, millions of dedicated volunteers make a difference each and every day.

On Oct. 28, volunteers will band together to do good work on "Make a Difference Day." The project is sponsored by USA Weekend magazine and the Points of Light Foundation.

It can be a special project designed for that day or volunteer efforts conducted throughout the year. Schools, businesses and organizations are encouraged to participate. Volunteers can then enter a project in this fifth annual Make A Difference Day to earn much-deserved recognition.

National and local honorees, including one from the Southeast Missourian circulation area, will be recognized in an April 1996 issue of USA Weekend. The newspaper will also make a charity donation on behalf of local honorees to continue their good efforts.

This project is a good way to earn local and national recognition for continuing projects. There is no better feeling than neighbor helping neighbor. Such efforts can also inspire others to make a difference through volunteerism.