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For 20 years, Congress has restricted the use of federal funds for abortions except in the cases of rape, incest or to protect the mother's life. Many states, however, have funneled federal Medicaid funds into health maintenance organizations, which in many instances have provided abortion services.

To close this loophole, U.S. Sen. John Ashcroft of Missouri has successfully sponsored an amendment that would make the same guidelines regarding federal funding apply to money that goes to HMOs that serve the poor in various states.

Immediately, abortion rights advocates bemoaned the fact that Ashcroft's amendment would make it more difficult for states to provide abortions for the poor.


While there may be private agencies that are able to wrestle with their consciences about donating funds for abortions, this is not an appropriate use of taxpayers' money.

It can be hoped the U.S. House will go along with the Senate amendment.