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Flood buyouts are an expensive way to clear out flood-prone areas. But every time floodwaters rises, the wisdom of the buyouts is underscored.

Flood buyouts are the best way to rid cities, counties, states and the federal government of properties that flood time and time again. Paying out insurance claims multiple times is not only outlandish, it is foolish. It is a drain on the taxpayers' already overburdened pocketbook.

Recently, homes purchased by the city in South Cape Girardeau were demolished. In all, the city purchased 63 homes in flood-prone areas in both south and north parts of the city. The city expects to purchase another 10 homes. In all, Cape Girardeau will pay out more than $2.2 million, with the money coming from the federal and state emergency management agencies.

The three phases of demolition should be completed by September. It will leave behind open spaces where floodwaters can flow but not damage.