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Americans have the right to a speedy trial. But as the courts have become bogged down with civil and criminal cases, swift justice has sometimes proved elusive.

But in Missouri's 32nd Judicial Circuit, which includes the counties of Perry, Cape Girardeau and Bollinger, the legal system has always moved at a rather proficient pace.

Much of that longstanding success is due to the local circuit judges, who run a tight ship and frown upon courtroom antics or needless delays.

Their efforts have earned the 32nd Circuit recognition from the Missouri Supreme Court. This circuit is one of only two court systems meeting state guidelines for fast due process of law. The other was the smaller 14th Circuit in Macon County.

Judge William Syler, presiding judge, accepted the award in Kansas City for the entire circuit, which also includes Circuit Judge John Grimm and Associate Circuit Judges Gary Kamp, Michael Bullerdieck, Peter Statler and Scott Thomsen.

In fact, the local judges are so efficient they are often called upon to help reduce backlogs in Kansas City and St. Louis.

The state guidelines say that 98 percent of the time criminal cases should be finished in a year and civil cases should be disposed of within two years. In most cases, the local circuit does much better than these guidelines.

The speed at which justice is achieved in the local circuit is a tribute not just to the judges, but to the attorneys and court personnel as well.