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The planting of trees along a portion of Highway 74 (Shawnee Parkway) will add a nice touch to the cross-city highway that will connect with the new Mississippi River bridge when it is finished.

The state has awarded a contract to plant 180 trees along about a half-mile stretch on the north side of the highway between Interstate 55 and Silver Springs Road and on both sides of the road between Silver Springs and Kingshighway. The trees will add beauty along the stretch and will serve to lessen traffic noise and serve as a visual barrier to nearby neighborhoods.

The state got federal money to carry out the tree planting, which will cost about $28,800. The funding comes from an enhancement grant earmarked for improvements that go beyond normal elements of a transportation project. It is the first time that kind of money has been used to plant trees along highways in Southeast Missouri, and Shawnee Parkway was an excellent choice for them.