
Arts inspiration

In a time when many issues so quickly become polarized, it was refreshing to hear all of the positive suggestions that were made recently when the Missouri Arts Council visited with area art enthusiasts to get ideas on helping the arts to thrive across the state. The session in Cape Girardeau with the Arts Council of Southeast Missouri was one of eight being held around Missouri.

The state arts council, which helps fund many local groups in their arts endeavors, asked three questions: What will help the arts thrive? What will encourage participation? What should the state arts agency offer?

Here are some of the suggestions:

More professional exhibits in local galleries. Feature artists' newest works. Introduce arts to children. Have more interactive exhibits for children. More public art in the community. Better marketing of the arts, including the use of social networking on the Internet. More exhibits of works by arts instructors to inspire students. A listening tour around the state involving high school and college students.

All of these are sensible suggestions, and it will be interesting to see how the Missouri Arts Council and the local arts council incorporate them into their future programs and funding.
