Letter to the Editor

Child abuse is treated seriously

To the editor:

I am present in Judge Peter Statler's courtroom weekly on cases that involve allegations of child abuse and/or neglect. He cares very much about the children. How the cases are handled, the decisions made and the fact that CASA is asked to be present reflect this in Judge Statler's courtroom.

The statement made by the letter writer from Nashville, Tenn. -- "If a stranger physically assaults or rapes a child, it is a crime. But if it is within a family, officials say it is not." -- is not true of any officials that I know or have worked with. Physical assault or rape of a child is a crime, whether the perpetrator is a stranger or a family member, and is treated as such by all officials in the 32nd Judicial Circuit. The writer's statement that this is abuse is correct. When actual abuse of a child occurs and the perpetrator is known, criminal charges are filed and prosecution is pursued. This takes place in another court.

My experiences as a child advocate in this area for 10 years have been that involved professionals and the officials work for what is considered to be in the best interest of the child.


CASA of Southeast Missouri

Cape Girardeau