Letter to the Editor

Nothing good comes from hate

To the editor:

Most of us are aware that radical Islamo-fascists (but not all Muslims) are motivated by hatred to kill those who do not agree with their beliefs. I hope we can all agree that hatred is evil.

The extreme liberals in our country hate President Bush and others who share his beliefs. They do not physically behead him, but they will let nothing nor anyone prevent their calling for his head.

The liberals publicly denounce the president and his supporters, call for their resignations or impeachment, undermine his policies and make conditions even more dangerous for our troops -- our bravest and best citizens who willingly put their lives in danger to preserve our freedoms and our sovereignty as well as hundreds of thousands before them. Do these rebels somehow separate themselves from our nation? Do they not consider themselves American?

Some of these hatemongers are U.S. representatives and senators or hold other government positions. Did they not take an oath to uphold our Constitution? Shouldn't we expect them to stand behind our government's policies and show respect for our president and full support of our troops?

Why would anyone want to vote for a candidate who shows no respect for our government and what it is trying to accomplish, especially when it could mean life or death for out citizens and whether or not we lose our nation to fascism.

Does anything good ever come from hate?

L. LEE SNIDER, Cape Girardeau